Tuesday, December 23, 2014

HMMM! Is Stella Damascus Getting Married Next Weekend?

Nollywood might be in for a surprise wedding before the year ends. Yesterday, popular blogger Linda Ikeji reported this:

“Hmmm, my people what you are about to read will shock you like it shocked me when I heard it o. Come close, let me whisper the gist in your ears. Hehe. According to amebo people, on Dec 27th, a popular light skinned Nollywood actress will marry the ex-husband of another popular light skinned Nollywood actress. This actress has two kids with her ex but according to what I heard, the man in the middle of this mess first met and was dating the actress he’s getting married to now, before the ex came into the equation and snatched him from the actress. You get? So he’s gone back to his first love and is marrying her next week Saturday. We dey wait..”

It no secret that Stella Damasus is light skinned and currently in a relationship with movie director Daniel Ademinokan who was previously married to actress Doris Simeon. Last week, Stella Damasus opened up about her relationship with Daniel Adminokan and debunked the notion that was being rumored that she stole him from his ex-wife. They are adults who have made a decision to have a relationship, and if they plan and so desire to get married, fans will surely look forward to it.

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